Why Timelines?
In the days of old, stories were passed down orally from one generation to another around the campfire. However, in modern times people are too busy to know the details of how things came to be. At the end of the day, it’s the little things that make big things happen. This is why we created Timelines, to provide a space to tell your personal story — so that one day it will become a legacy for future generations to know you.
You can get started by creating chapters for different topics:
There are gems hidden in the answers to these questions:
- What is your work or studies about?
- Where have you traveled?
- Who have you loved?
- Who have you forgiven?
Features include:
Easy to use interface
Minimalist interface for you to focus on enriching your life chapters.
Invite others
Privately invite family and friends to a chapters to post memories together.
Print and share
Export chapters in PDF format to store, print or share.
Sync between devices
Chapters are privately saved in the cloud.
Download Timelines in the app store today
David Venegas
Get started today
"We tell stories of people we've never met, we tell stories of people we don't want to forget, we tell stories when the memories are all we have left. We tell stories." - Amanda Cook